English country dancing to live music at Princeton Country Dancers

contra dancing to live music at Princeton Country Dancers

contra dancing to live music at Princeton Country Dancers

English country dancing to live music at Princeton Country Dancers
Princeton Country Dancers

Directions to Our Dances

Directions to our Primary Dance Hall (Suzanne Patterson Center)
From the south: Driving northbound from Trenton on Rte 206 (Stockton Street), enter the municipal complex by turning left on Monument Drive after the traffic light at Library Place and before the traffic light at the junction of 206 and Nassau St. (NJ Route 27). Turn just past the white fence at Morven, but before the blue sign for Suzanne Patterson Center and the former police station on the left.
From the north: Driving southbound on Rte 206 (Bayard Lane), at the three-way intersection between Nassau St. and Rte. 206 north and south, proceed through the light by making a right turn onto 206 South and make the first right onto Monument Drive, just past the blue sign. Go to the far end of the drive, and park in the lot behind Borough Hall.
Princeton is also accessible by bus and train routes.

Directions to UUCP
For some of our special dances (such as Rum & Onions), when we expect a larger number of people to be in attendance, we hold our dances in a larger venue. The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Princeton is located at 50 Cherry Hill Road, Princeton NJ.
(Rum & Onions is an annual, all-day, Halloween contra-dance. It is often located in a larger venue than our usual dance hall, due to increased attendance.)
contra dancing social dancing folk dancing