English country dancing to live music at Princeton Country Dancers

contra dancing to live music at Princeton Country Dancers

contra dancing to live music at Princeton Country Dancers

English country dancing to live music at Princeton Country Dancers
Princeton Country Dancers

Handsome Molly
Founded in 1993 in Princeton, NJ, Handsome Molly dances to singing accompaniment, often to traditional folk songs from the British Isles and the US. Molly dancing originated in East Anglia and the English Midlands by the late 18th Century and was a tradition of mid-winter dancing performed by out-of-work farm boys who disguised themselves by dressing in their sisters’ and wives’ clothing and concealing their faces by covering them with burnt cork. The “ploughboys” would tour the area visiting the homes of gentry and do dances that caricatured the gentry’s elegant English country dances and after that demand beer or money from the homeowners, threatening to plough up the yard if they refused. Princeton’s Handsome Molly takes inspiration from these British traditions but has created new repertoire in honor of our American heritage. We love to perform, and promise to never actually plough up our host’s property! Well, almost never….
We practice Thursday evenings and welcome new members!
Contact us if interested in joining or for a performance at your event
Primary contact (Squire): Daniel Potter, email here
Secondary contact (Foreman): April Birnie, email here